Monday, January 26, 2015

Game: Save My Cheese

GitHub repository
Concept document
Class diagram
Sequence diagram

Royalty free mouse clipart

Description: Mice try to reach cheese. User prevents mice from reaching cheese by blocking their path with puzzle pieces. End condition: A mouse reaches the cheese (FAIL) OR all pieces are in place (SUCCESS).

Welcome screen:
* Start game button --> Game screen
** Exit button --> Quits game
** Pause button (after mice are added)
** 3-2-1 counter (after mice are added)
* Help button --> Help screen
** Help text and image
** Back button
* Settings button (after mice are added)
** Back button
** Mouse number
** Mouse speed
** Map size
* About button --> About screen
** About text: Şamil Korkmaz, copyright 2015, link to blog
** Back button
* Advert banner on top
** Third party library
** Bank account --> PayPal account?

* Puzzle:
** Piece = Filled polygon
** Construct pieces
** Breakdown of pieces into cells.
*** The smaller the cells, the closer the mice can get to the piece but the slower the pathfinding.
*** For each cell on grid check if piece contains the center of that cell. If it contains, mark the cell as belonging to that piece.
** Move pieces with mouse:
*** On mouse left click, detect piece that contains mouse cursor location.
*** On mouse drag: Update detected piece location with mouse location.
*** On mouse release, calculate distance between piece and its snap location.
**** If distance is smaller than tolerance AND there is no mice inside that snap area
***** Set piece location = snap location
***** Set cells that belong to this piece as blocking

* Pathfinding:
** Use A* algorithm
** Do we need two separate threads (one for GUI, one for calculations)
** Must be able to find path within one game loop cycle.
** Draw mouse and cheese. Mouse orientation = movement direction. Make orientation changes smooth using linear interpolation.
** Create game loop:
*** Mice are moving at preset time intervals along their path with preset distance intervals (speed).
*** End condition: A mouse reaches the cheese OR all pieces are in place.
** The screen is a two dimensional grid with each cell being a node.
** Mice cannot pass through blocking cells.
** Mice update their path to cheese each time the user adds a new piece.

* Android & Google Play Store
** Download development environment, code puzzle with Nexus 10 screen size in mind. Mapping of mouser press/drag/release to touch controls. End condition: All pieces are in place.
** How do you claim copyright and handle disputes?
** Subscribe (25?)
** Upload puzzle with one level (v1) to Play Store, verify that you can find it and install it on tablet and phone.
** Update (v2-)

Test Cases:
* Puzzle: Three pieces
* Pathfinding:
** One mouse, no blocking cells.
** One mouse, simple wall.
** One mouse, dead end case (path has to U turn after initial trial).
** Two mice start from
*** top/bottom.
*** left/right.
* Is advert banner working? Does it deposit money to my account?

"Save my cheese" version plan:
v0.1: Puzzle level1 with Java on Windows8
v0.2: Mice with pathfinding on win8 attacking cheese + Level2
v0.3: sound effects (Argun'un sesleri - "buudan gidiyoo") music (midi of classical pieces, VogelHochzeit)
v0.4: Flash bomb causes mice to go in random directions for a couple of seconds.
v1: Nexus 10,  Samsung Galaxy S4 screen size
v2: Advertorial integration (small banner on top of welcome screen)
v3: New levels + blog dedicated to game (update link in About screen)
v6: dificulty settings:
* mice number
* mice speed
* mice intelligence: Stupid mice will mimic the path algorithm exactly, smart mice use the final path.
* map size
v7: blinding flash (causes mice to move on last direction) & stun bomb (causes mice to stay in place for dt)
v8: new levels
v9: better graphics/soundFX/music (mice move their tails, squeeking increases as they get closer to cheese)
v10: Mice wander randomly until they detect cheese smell and home in on smell. Pieces prevent smell from escaping
v11: Support other screen sizes/resolutions
v12: Cats that hunt mice. Proportional control.
v13: Mice avoid cat.

UML Diagrams: Initial design must be easily extensible to cover the capabilities outlined in version plan. Discuss how that will be done with examples.

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